perjantai 12. elokuuta 2011


Nain perjantai-illan kunniaksi haluan esitella teille eraan koiran, jonka taival pawssien tiloille on ollut pitka ja raskas, mutta loppua myoten onnellinen!

Lady and gentlemen let me introduce you to... BLACK-JACK!

Black-Jack on tilan vanhin, raihnasin mutta sydamellisin koiravanhus, jonka elama kodittomana sai rajun kaanteen hanen pudottuaan rakennustyomaan kivihiilitervakaivoon.

Eras pawssien tiluksilla tyoskenteleva nainen oli eraana iltava viemassa omaa koiraansa ulos ja kavellyt eraan rakennustyomaan ohitse, kappaillessaan han oli kuullut omituista aanta lahelta ja oman koiran saattelemana sitten loytanyt tiensa kaivon suulle, kurkistanut alas ja huomannut pohjalla makaavan koiran.

Black-Jack kaivon pohjalla, kuva pawssien facebook sivulta.

Ilta oli jo hamartymassa, mutta pohjalla nakyva pieni liike sai hanet halyyttamaan paikalle poliisit, palomiehet ja kaikki mahdolliset naapuruston ihmiset. Naurettavinta tassavaiheessa oli, etta kukaan soitetuista elainlaakareita ei ollut innokas tulemaan auttamaan tata koiraparkaa! Tunteja kului ja kysymys miten koiran saataisiin ylos alkoi olla jo halyyttava. Viimein eras naapurin rouva laskeutui kaivoon auttaakseen koiraa (huomatkaa, etta kukaan poliiseista tai palomiehista tahan hommaan ei ryhtynyt). Asiaa kuitenkin vaikeutti, etta koirapolo oli puolet ruumiistaan kiinni maassa kun liimattuna. Stressaantuneena koira yritti itse paasta pois ja sen myota puolet ihosta jai kiinni maahan..

Lopulta koira saatiin noustettua kaivosta ja Gra Ligiasta tullut ainoa elainlaakari tarkasti taman ja ilmoitti sen olevan erittais huonossa kunnossa, taynna punkkeja, tervanen luihinsa asti ja tietenkin peloissaan.

Hanet vietiin turvaan eika kukaan todellakaan osottanyt hanen selviavan aamuun asti. Mutta toisin kuitenkin kavi. Ei ole koiraan karvoihin katsomista. Black-Jack tokeni kuin tokenikin hitaasti mutta varmasti!

Vuoteen oma, kuva pawssien facebook sivulta.

Pikkuhiljaa koiravanhus kuitenkin alkoi syomaan ja juomaan oma-aloitteisesti. Kavely tuotti hankaluuksia ian ja kokemuksen takia, mutta nyt jo paalle 11-vuotias jatti selvisi hengissa, mika on tarkeinta! 
Tervan lahteminen turkista oli ehka se hankalin osuus, siihen kun ei auttanut kuulemma mikaan!

Tervanen kaveri, kuva pawssien facebook sivuilta.

Kun Jack vihdoin sai voimia pysyakseen pystyssa ja suuri hengenhata oli takanapain, siirrettini hanet pawssien tiloille tokenemaan ja jatkamaan elamaansa normaalina koiravanhuksena yhdessa uusien kavereittensa kanssa.

Itse seurasin Jackin hetkia alusta asti facen kautta (on se fb sittenki aika hieno juttu) ja ilokseni sain tanakesana tavata taman paalle 11-vuotiaan leppoisan jattilaisen ihan livenaki ja voi etta voin sanoa, etta ei ikina uskoisin, etta han on kokenut niinkin kovan elaman. Niin rauhallinen ja ihmisystavallinen han on!

Black-Jack muutaman viikko sitten <3 foto by meh.

Sellainen onnellinen loppu tallakertaa! Naita kiitos lisaa!
Ai etta mistako nimitys Black-Jack?

Ja sitten viela sama tarina englanniksi, pawssien Jackin kansiosta>

Last week Katerina, a volunteer of PAWS Crete, found an old dog fallen into a shaft full of tar and he was stucked there for many hours until she heard him. They called the police and fire brigade to help them, the dog was very stressed and no vet was ...willing to come to help the dog, one vet told them to put him to sleep, at the end her neighbor, Amalia went into the shaft to help him and try to unstuck him. They finally managed to take him out after 3 hours and the vet from Gra Ligia came to see the dog, the only one who was willing to help them. Most of the tar is off, They put lot of baby oil on him and bathed him, he was also full really full of ticks. He is eating and drinking normally and they are waiting the blood tests to show if he has lismaniasi, he is taking antibiotics and vitamins because he is very thin and propably he has erlichiosi

2nd of July 2011
Black Jack is not doing well and Joan is pretty sure he is not going to make it – she has been expecting to find him dead each time she arrives at the shelter for the last few days. He's been to two vets and there is nothing more we can do but keep rehydrating him and hope he can start to eat soon and the antibiotics kick in. He has an infection but they don't know what kind of infection exactly (Joan is wondering if it's septicemia). We're fighting a losing battle with the flies and heat there and although we rigged up shade with the blue sheeting and put a mosquito net over his kennel he sometimes just goes out of his bed or kennel to pee or poop and then lies on the stones being eaten alive by flies.

Joan asked Celine if she could bring him to her apartment and she agreed so he's now settled in there and cool and comfortable and, as the apartment has mosquito screens on all the doors and windows there, and, most no flies.
His nose bleeds from time to time - the vet said that's from the heat because of his blood problems.

He has absolutely no power in his legs, can't even stand up, and was just limp as Joan carried him so we don't expect him to survive but Joan won’t give up if he doesn't.

Joan gave him a little of the chicken juice and he has incontinence pads on top of his duvet so he can just pee or poop where he lies and still be kept clean and dry.

4th of July 2011

Black Jack is doing a little bit better today, eating and drinking on his own again and his wounds starts to heal..

5th of July.
Just got an txt from Joan: Black Jack is walking!!

We will keep you updated.

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